Tips + Tricks: Savvy ways to boost conversion rates in 2023 & beyond!

Every business is perpetually searching for ways to increase their conversion rates. Though, there are obstacles such as competition, changing markets, and much more. Every challenge presents an opportunity. Below are several savvy ways to boost conversion rates. 1. Ensure your website has a goal. Before you start building a website, you should have a … Read more

Quashed! Social Media Advertising Myths [’23]

Quashed! Social Media Advertising Myths [’23] There are a lot of myths related to social media on the internet. Well, I am going to quash some myths and elevate the facts. Because 1000s of blogs, articles, and the like are being published each day, this is necessary. 1. You should join every single social media … Read more

Is Social Media Advertising Effective in [’23]?

So, you have small, medium, or large business and wonder whether money spent on social media advertising is worth it. Billions of people access social media platforms each day. With that comes increased exposure as an advantage for advertising on social media. The product of increased exposure is an increase in leads, plus, fan loyalty … Read more

Advantages of Social Media Advertising-[2023]

Advantages of Social Media Marketing-[2023] Marketing has been around for a while and continues to evolve every decade, quarter century, and now it seems monthly. Word of mouth, radio, television, email, are still common ways to market but social media surpassed them in the early 2000’s. Social media has become ingrained in our day-to-day lives … Read more

Influencer Marketing Facts for 2023

Since 2016, the influencer marketing market has transformed significantly.That year, total monies grossed from activities totaled 1.7 billion dollars. The rise of influencer marketing is attributed to several reasons. The main reason is user generated content from Instagram, LinkedIn, SoundCloud, and Twitter fueled the growth as they transformed customer targeting, acquisition, and retention process(source: American … Read more

Top Influencer Marketing Companies- [2023]

In my previous article, I covered what influencer marketing is, and how it can boost/benefit your business. You might be wondering, what are the top influencer marketing companies? Well, good question. The following paragraphs will provide details. SEM Nexus Influencer Marketing Apple Search Ads App Store Optimization Influencer Marketing Campaign Results Estimations Additional revenue streams … Read more

Boost Business with Influencer

Before we cover why influencer marketing can boost business, we’ll go over what it is. Perhaps you have heard about influencer marketing on TV, social media platforms, or among your group of friends. It has had meteoric rise due to celebrities and the like. According to influencer marketing hub: “Influencer Marketing is a hybrid of … Read more

Top Online Reputation Management Strategies

In the digital world, people and businesses(social media team) spend more time online. Consequentially, content posted a month a go or a year might be relevant, off-putting or controversial. However, you cannot simply remove negative comments posted on your site made by customers. Rather, businesses need to have a team set-up to address customer concerns … Read more

Online Reputation Management: An Overview

What is Online Reputation Management(ORM)? It is simply a way to improve the way customers view your brand. A byproduct of good online reputation management is building trust with customers. And, as a result, your company/brand will likely see more sales. Don’t get ORM and public relations mixed, they are not the same. Public relations … Read more

The Basics: Social Media Analytics

Social media analytic: the process of collecting unstructured data from various social media platforms and turning it into valuable insights that help businesses make crucial decisions. Social media analytic encompasses the use of data technologies, for example, data analysis, data mining, information interpretation. To ensure high performance on social media campaigns, utilize analytic; the data … Read more